Characteristics of Neologism and Its Cognitive Motivationsa Study of Chinese Neologisms from2006to2009
【作者】 游玉祥;
【导师】 王德春;
【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士
【摘要】 本文以《中国语言生活状况报告》(2006-2009)公布的新词语为主要研究对象,借助TextPro、AntConc、Google Trend以及Excel等语料库研究工具,采用定量研究与定性研究相结合,分析了汉语新词语的三大特点,即新词语的词长特点、语义的概念整合特点和词群化特点,并以认知语言学理论为指导对其进行解释,探讨了新词语产生的认知理据。经过研究,我们取得了以下发现:虽然汉语新词语是整个汉语词汇的一个组成部分,但从词形来说,其词语长度较普通词语更长。普通词语以双音节词为主,新词语主要以三音节词和四音节词为主。从语义来说,新词语是在已有词汇的基础上新创而成,因此不管是单纯新词语还是合成新词语,语义整合是新词语语义产生的重要方式。单纯新词语分为音译外来词、缩略外来词、谐音新词语和旧词新义词语四大类型,其语义建构特点主要表现为语义借用、迁移、双关、扩大、缩小等。根据语义关系,合成新词语分为语义联合、语义析取、特征析取映射、语义关系互补、语义新创共五种类型。从新词语的结构来看,新词语词群化特点明显,许多新词语与其它词语构成族群关系。新词语作为一般词汇的一个次生概念或次生范畴,其形式结构以偏正式为主。与基本范畴的性质相反,次生范畴具有感知的分析性、意象图式的合成性、知感的依赖性、行为反应的复杂性、语言表达的合成性以及信息组织的边缘性特点。这些特点要求表达次生范畴概念的语言形式具有更高的信息承载能力,这便在形式上制约了新词语的长度,导致了新词语比一般词语更长的语言事实。新词语的语义建构过程是新词语组成成分语义、语境意义以及新生概念之间的相互整合过程。人类对新事物新现象的认识总是建立在已有的知识的基础之上,这个过程是语言、认知和现实相互作用相互整合的过程。单纯新词语的语义建构主要表现为已有词语的语义与语境作用的结果,复合词的语义建构既有组成成分之间的语义整合,也有语境意义的参与。虽然复合新词语的语义整合方式与概念整合类型之间没有一一对应关系,但大体上说,语义联合主要通过镜像型概念整合网络实现,语义析取和语义互补主要通过简单型概念整合网络实现,隐喻性特征吸取映射主要通过单域型概念整合网络实现,语义创新则主要通过双域型概念整合网络实现。词群的构式性是导致新词语词群化特点凸显的原因之一。构式是形式和意义或功能的配对体,可以是具体的词、词组等具体语言实体单位,也可以是抽象的或半抽象的语法结构。语言的形式单位是一个从具体构式到抽象构式的连续统。抽象构式从具体构式中抽象出来,反过来对具体构式的产生具有压制作用。新词语词群构式从具体词群性新词语中抽象出来,具有其独立的结构特征和语义特征,对实体构式的产生具有压制作用。新词语词群构式的这一特征即解释了新词语的词群化特点,也解释了新词语中的非常规搭配。语言是人类社会最为复杂的现象之一。语言的建构和解读既受语言本身的内在规律制约,也要受到人的主观认知的影响,这其中认知是语言通向现实的桥梁。在认知语言学的框架内研究汉语新词语对于了解新词语的本质以及语言与认知、语言与社会的关系都具有借鉴意义。
【Abstract】 With the help of TextPro, AntConc, Google Trend and Excel, the studyinvestigates both quantitively and qualitatively the neologisms in Language Situationin China from2006-2009. It analyzes three main characteristics of Chineseneologisms----namely the longer length of the neologisms, the conceptual blending oftheir meaning and the clustering of their structure and explores the motivations ofthese characteristics from cognitive linguistics.Dispite the fact that neologisms are one of the indispensable part of the Chinesevocabulary as a whole, morphologically they are much longer than the averageChinese words. The major part of the ordinary Chinese words are two-syllable wordswhile the neologisms take the three-syllables and the four-syllable words as theirprimary. Semantically the neologisms, whether they are simplex words or compoundwords, are inextricably linked with the now existing words because they are coined onthe foundation of them. The simplex words can be devided into loan words fromtransliteration, loan words from abbreviation, homophonic words, old words with newmeaning. The construction processes of their meaning are borrowing, transferring,equivocation, amplification, narrowing etc. According to semantic relation, thecognitive process of semantic construction of the compounds can be devided intocombination, extraction, reflection of extracted features, compensation and innovation.Structurally neologisms are characterized by their clustering with one another.Neologisms which are generally used to convery the sub-concept or sub-categoryof the now existing words mainly fall into the structure of modification. Differentfrom basic level categories (generic level categories), sub-categories are conceptuallyanalytic, schematically compostive, cognitively independent, complex in reaction,synthetical in language expression and marginal in information organization whichrequires that the language form that is used to express these subcategories be moreexpressive and thus leads to longer word length of the neologisms. The construction of the meaning of the neologisms is a process of integrationwhich involves the components of the neologisms, the context and the newly arisenconcepts. Generally the acquaintance with new things of the world are based on thenow existing knowledge and the process of acquiring new things is the interaction andintegration among language, cognition and reality. The construction of the meaning ofthe simplex words are characterized by the semantic integeration of the languagesigns and their context while the meaning of the compounds are decided by both theconceptual blending of their components and their context. Although there is noabslute one-to-one correspondence between integration model of the meaning of thecompounds and the types of conceptual blending, loosely speaking, combination ofmeaning is conducted through mirror network while extraction and compensationthrough simplex network, metaphoric estraction and reflection through single network,innovation through double network.Cluster construction is one of the reasons which lead to the prominence ofclustering of the neologisms. Constructions are parings of form and meaning/function.There are concrete constructions such as words, phrases as well as abstract orsemi-abstract grammatical structures. The units of language are a continuumconstruction from the concrete to the purely abstract. Abstract constructions, whichare drived from concrete constructions, also serve as coercion to concreteconstructions. The constructions of the clusters of the neologisms are abstracted fromthe individual neologisms. They have their independent structural meaning and so canguide and coerce the formation of neologisms. It is this characteristic of theconstruction of the neologisms that leads to the clustering salience and abnormalcollocation of the neologisms.Language is one of the most complex phenomena of our society. Theconstruction and deconstruction of it is checked and supervised by the objective ruleof language itself as well as the subjective cognition which serves as a bridge betweenlanguage and reality. Therefore, it is of great significance and importance for us toprobe into neologisms and learn about both the essence of them and the relationshipbetween language and cognition, language and society under the framework of cognitive linguistics.
【Key words】 Chinese neologism; characteristics; category; conceptual blending; construction;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 上海外国语大学 【网络出版年期】2013年 01期
- 【分类号】H136
- 【被引频次】26
- 【下载频次】6476