Fall foul of Wang and Xie family and death of Xie Lingyun
【摘要】 琅琊王氏与陈郡谢氏同为能左右江左政局的门阀士族。其中王氏先贵,谢氏后显。东晋中晚期,谢氏家族一心翼卫皇室且从容进退,有所不为;而王氏兄弟则攀附权臣,不存国计并于钻营贪取中尽露其阴忍狡黠之性,由此两家交恶、联姻终绝。王氏兄弟的品行及门望对希图大事的刘裕来说适有可取,故在代晋自立的过程中,刘裕对王氏家族多所信赖,而于谢氏后人则心存猜疑,或干脆剪除。新朝既建,王弘叔侄正是利用了这一特殊机缘以泄其宿怨。先是王弘弹奏谢灵运,使之免官并暴其家丑,继乃弘又联手王华、王昙首至谢晦一家尽皆被杀。谢晦被杀后,灵运始当谢族门户,然因有人暗中构陷,无论灵运居官或归隐,仍屡遭纠弹并最终为彭城王刘义康所害。刘义康之害灵运,其幕后推手当有新贵孟岂页及王氏兄弟。
【Abstract】 Langya Wang and Chenjun Xie all had great influence on the political situation. In the Late Jin Dynasty, due to various reasons, the two families had bad relationship and marriage extinguished.The fame of Wang was very useful to emperor Liu Yu. In the process of Overthrow Jin Chao, Liu Yu had more trust to the Wang family. After the new dynasty, Wang Hong used this opportunity to blow Xie family.
【Key words】 fall foul of Wang and Xie family; Xie An; Wang Xun; Xie Lingyun;
- 【文献出处】 历史教学(下半月刊) ,History Teaching , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年07期
- 【分类号】K820.9
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】203