

An Exploration into the Support of Transportation and Projection for Military Bases Abroad

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【作者】 王天泽齐文哲海军

【Author】 WANG Tianze;QI Wenzhe;HAI Jun;Tianjin Yaohua High School;Postgraduate Training Brigade,Army Military Transportation University;Joint Projection Department,Army Military Transportation University;

【机构】 天津市耀华中学陆军军事交通学院研究生大队陆军军事交通学院联合投送系

【摘要】 随着我海外军事基地的建设发展,做好其运输投送保障工作,具有十分重要的现实意义与长远的战略意义。分析了海外军事基地的使命任务,剖析了海外军事基地运输投送保障的特点与要求,在此基础上,研究提出了加强海外军事基地运输投送保障工作的对策措施,旨在为军地有关部门提供咨询参考。

【Abstract】 With the development of the construction of our military bases abroad,to do a good job of the transportation and projection support for them is of both great realistic importance and far-reaching strategic importance.Upon the basis of analyzing the missions and tasks of military bases abroad and dissecting the characteristics and requirements of the transportation and projection support for military bases abroad,put forward in the paper are the countermeasures of strengthening the transportation and projection support for military bases abroad.The paper aims at providing references for military and civilian departments concerned.

  • 【文献出处】 国防交通工程与技术 ,Traffic Engineering and Technology for National Defence , 编辑部邮箱 ,2018年01期
  • 【分类号】E234
  • 【下载频次】235

