

A Study on The Cultivation of Taiwan’s Military Values

【作者】 田磊

【导师】 罗荣华;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 军队政治工作学, 2014, 硕士

【摘要】 台军军人价值观培育是其政战工作的重要组成,并对其官兵的思想行为、立场信念,乃至军队战斗力的发挥都起着至关重要的作用。本文深入分析了开展台军军人价值观培育研究的意义,论述了台军军人价值观培育研究的现状以及论文的研究方法和创新点。通过大量查找、翻阅和考证岛内相关的一手资料,从军人基本信念、军人武德、军人伦理道德和军种军风四个方面阐述了台军军人价值观的主要内容和变化情况。而后,从建立系统完备的培育体制、采取形式多样的培育方法、拓展渠道多元的培育途径三个方面入手论述了台军开展军人价值观培育的方法途径。之后,通过分析梳理,总结得出了台军军人价值观培育四个方面的可取之处,以及官兵存在信仰危机、培育内容空洞无力和战斗力提升效果有限三个方面的培育缺陷。最后,梳理形成了开展对台舆论战、实施对台心理战和确立我军军人价值观培育优势三项反制对策与措施,既提出了丰富和完善我军军人价值观培育的相关建议,又得出了我军对台实施政治作战的几点措施。

【Abstract】 The military value cultivation is an important component of Taiwan army’s political work and plays a vital role on nurturing its soldiers’ mind and behavior, stand and belief, and even their force capabilities. This thesis firstly deeply analyzes the significance of the research on Taiwan army’s military value cultivation, reviews the status quo of the concerned studies and describes the methodology adopted and contributions made. Through synthesis and analysis on a lot of first-hand research materials, it secondly outlines the main content and changes of Taiwan army’s military value cultivation from four aspects: soldiers’ basic faith, military virtue, military ethic and military ethos. It then discusses the cultivation methods from three facets: sound system, various ways and multiple approaches. Meanwhile, the thesis analyzes the merits and demerits of Taiwan army’s such cultivation. Finally, it raises our counter measures to the cultivation of Taiwan’s military values. In this way, this paper not only makes suggestions to enrich and complement the cultivation of PLA values, but also enumerates several measures for our political warfare against Taiwan.

【关键词】 台军军人价值观培育
【Key words】 Taiwan’s armyMilitary valuesCultivation